Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Shakin' it!

The state fair is finally over and my back is finally on the mend.
Therefore it's was time again to step on the scale...


Not the worst, but higher than the last time I weight almost a month ago. 
Sooo I'm back on the "shakes for some meals" kick which helps me get control of my eating. 

My plan is to have a shake for breakfast and supper, and have two mini meals in between.
For example, today I had a shake at 7:30am, then 6 slices hard salami at 11am, then low carb goulash and edamame at 2:30, then a shake at 6pm and nuts at 7pm.
I am done eating for the day.
My protein is about 145, carbs are 38, and calories are just under 1500...all very good counts for me although I would like to increase my fats and lower my protein, but I haven't figured out how to do that yet.  Eventually I'll eat more things like avocado, but right now I want to eat the fresh cukes and zucchini from my garden.

Tomorrow I will have a zucchini with the hard salami.  I love hard salami, but it is soooooo salty and greasy that I think it would be good to have something with it.  And I had calculated a zucchini and a small cucumber into my day but wasn't able to squeeze it in. 

I was pretty hungry at 10:30 and at 6pm but otherwise I felt comfortable all day.

My shakes consist of 3oz ricotta with about a ounce of water because my current ricotta is so very dry.  I put in 3oz of fresh strawberries, about 1/3 of an individual packet of crystal light (my shake needed more flavor), 30g of protein powder (GNC Amp vanilla), and a handful of ice cubes.  It's very thick and yummy like a strawberry milkshake. 

So there you go...I'm shaking it up.  I think tomorrow I'll make a dreamsicle flavored shake...Mmmmm.

9-6-11   226


  1. Hello, I'm Debi. I came across your blog looking for like minded bloggers who are also on a journey to lose weight. I saw that you talked about the state fair....and I am curious..if your talking about the great NY state fair... If you are...we live fairly close and I find myself saying..what a small world. Who would of thought I'd find a neighbor in the world of blogging. If I am not right and you are talking about another great state fair...I apologize :).. I'm gonna follow your blog anyway..lol. If you'd like come take a look at mine...I'd love to have you follow along...
    Hope to see you around.

  2. Hello Debi! Welcome to my blog!!

    Unfortunately we are not neighbors...I'm in the Midwest.
    But sounds like you are close to your state's fair as well? Do you go? If so, what do you eat while you're there?
    We only went twice this year, but two full days at the state fair is a LOT! The first year we moved into our house we went to the fair five days (it lasts 12 days). We decided that was too much :)

    I'm heading over to check out your blog now!!
